
创建时间:  2020/08/03     浏览次数:   



胡向阳,男,博士,籍贯安徽省无为县。特聘教授,研究员,博士生导师,中科院项目“百人计划”获得者,曾获中科院院长奖学金“优秀奖”。主持中科院“百人计划”项目、国家自然基金、行业重大专项等多项项目。主要开展植物适应逆境环境的遗传发育与进化的分子机制研究, 目前本研究组正在利用生物化学、遗传学以及生物信息学等各种手段,从表观遗传学、普通遗传学与蛋白组学三个层次探索极端逆境生境下植物适应性进化的分子机制,解析逆境下蛋白互作与调控网络,我们的长期目标是将重要的被自然选择优化的基因运用到农作物中以提高作物的抗逆性与品质。已在植物学领域顶尖与主流期刊,如Nature Communications、PNAS、Cell Research、Plant Cell、Plant Physiology、Journal of Proteome Research等发表多篇有影响力的文章。


主要研究领域: 表观遗传学,植物逆境生理,开花时间调控,种子休眠与萌发机制


1. Chang G, Yang W, Zhang Q, Huang J, Yang Y, Hu X* (2019) ABI5-BINDING PROTEIN2 coordinates CONSTANS to delay flowering by recruiting the transcriptional corepressor TPR2.Plant Physiology 179:477-490

2. Hu X*, Kong X, Wang C, Ma L, Zhao J, Wei J, Zhang X, Gray JL, Zhang T, Huang J, Yang Y (2014) Proteasome-mediated degradation of FRIGIDA modulates flowering time in Arabidopsis during vernalization. Plant Cell, 12:4763-4781

3. Kong X, Ma L, Yang L, Chen Q, Xiang N, Yang Y, Hu X* (2014) Quantitative proteomics analysis reveals that the nuclear cap-binding complex proteins arabidopsis CBP20 and CBP80 modulate the salt stress response. Journal of Proteome Research, 13:2495-510

4. Hu X, Neill SJ, Tang Z, Cai W* (2005) Nitric oxide mediates gravitropic bending in soybean roots. Plant Physiology 137: 663-670

5. Hu X, Niell SJ, Cai W*, Tang Z (2004) Oligogalacturonic acid stimulates rapid increases in cytosolic calcium and hydrogen peroxide that are required for the induction of defense gene expression in Arabidopsis thaliana. Cell Research 14:234-240

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