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【学术报告】 WBSCR16, a new GEF, controls Mitochondrial Fusion, and multifaceted Roles of Type V Collagen in diseases: Diabetes, Cancer, and Atherosclerosis

创建时间:  2016/12/29  魏艳   浏览次数:   

黄国瑞,2007年毕业于上海生物化学与细胞生物学研究所。现在University of Wisconsin-Madison工作,主要的研究方向是癌症和代谢性疾病如糖尿病、动脉粥样硬化等,以及线粒体和细胞外基质的功能研究。到目前为止,共发表了17篇SCI文章,包括比较著名的国际期刊,近些年以第一作者已发表的文章包括NatureCommunication, Journal Clinical Investigation, JBC, Trend in endocrinology and metabolism等共7篇(不包括排第二位的共同第一作者),最近有一篇PNAS的文章也已经接受。

1. Huang G, Kernien J, Greenspan DS. α3(V) Collagen Modulates Exercise Endurance and Energy Homeostasis via Regulation of Gucagon Secretion. (Submitted to Diabetes)

2. Huang G, Massoudi D, Muir AM, Greenspan, DS. WBSCR16 is a New GEF that Controls Mitochondrial Fusion, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, (Accepted)

3. Huang G, Ge GX, Kernien J, Greenspan DS. a3(V) Chains of Type V Collagen Regulates Breast Tumor Growth via Glypican-1, Nature Communication (Accepted and selected as cover story)

4. Park A, Huang G*, EJankowska E, Kernien JF, Vignali DA, Sullivan J, Wilkes D, Burlingham WJ, Greenspan DS. Mucosal Administration of Collagen V Ameliorates Atherosclerotic Plaque Burden by Inducing IL-35-dependent Tolerance. J. Biol. Chem. 2016, 291 (7), 3359-3370 (* Equal contribution)

5. Huang G. A new strategy for the treatment of anemia. J Cell Sci. Ther., S8: 001 (2015)

6. Huang G. Function of Collagens in Energy Metabolism and Metabolic Diseases. J Cell Sci. Ther., 5: 173 (2014)

7. Huang G, Greenspan DS. ECM roles in the function of metabolic tissues. Trends Endocrinol Metab. 23(1):16-22. (2012)

8. Kim B, Huang G, Wen-Bin Ho and Greenspan DS. Bone Morphogenetic Protein-1 Processes Insulin-Like Growth Factor-Binding Protein 3. J. Biol. Chem. 286(33):29014-25. (2011).

9. Huang G, Ge G, Wang D, Gopalakrishnan B, Butz DH, Colman RJ, Nagy A, and Greenspan DS. a3(V) Collagen Ablation in Mice Induces glucose homeostasis defects due to Effects on Pancreatic Islets and Peripheral Tissues. J Clin. Invest. 2011;121(2):769–783. (Highlighted by "Faculty of 1000" as "must read")

10. Dart ML, Jankowska-Gan E, Huang G, Roenneburg DA, Keller MR, Torrealba JR, Rhoads A, Kim B, Bobadilla JL, Haynes LD, Wilkes DS, Burlingham WJ, Greenspan DS. Interleukin-17-dependent autoimmunity to collagen type v in atherosclerosis. Circ Res. 107(9):1106-16, (2010).

11. Hoffman GG, Branam AM, Huang G, Pelegri F, Cole WG, Wenstrup RM, and Greenspan DS. Characterization of the six zebrafish clade B fibrillar procollagen genes, with evidence for evolutionarily conserved alternative splicing within the pro-a1(V) C-propeptide. Matrix Biol. 29, 261-275 (2010).

12. Huang G, Zhang Y, Kim B, Ge G, Annis DS, Mosher DF, and Greenspan DS. Fibronectin binds and enhances the activity of bone morphogenetic protein 1. J. Biol. Chem. 284, 25879-25888 (2009).

13. Kobayashi, K, Luo M, Zhang Y, Wilkes DC, Gao G, Grieskamp T, Yamada C, Liu T-C, Huang G, Basson CT, Kispert A, Greenspan DS*, Sato, TN*. Secreted Frizzled Related Protein 2 is a procollagen C-proteinase enhancer with a role in fibrosis associated with myocardial infarction. Nature Cell Biol. 11, 46-55 (2009)

14. Guo LD*, Huang GR, Wang Y. Seasonal and tissue age influences on endophytic fungi of Pinus tabulaeformis (Pinaceae) in the Dongling Mountains, Beijing. J Integr Plant Biol. 2008 Aug;50(8):997-1003. * corresponding author

15. HX Liu, GR Huang, HM Zhang, Sheng Jiang, JR Wu, ZJ Yao. A Structure-Activity Guided Strategy for Fluorescent Labeling of Annonaceous Acetogenin Mimetics and Its Application in Cell Biology ChemBioChem 2007, 8, 172-177.

16. HX Liu, GR Huang, JR Wu, ZJ Yao. Annonaceous acetogenin mimics bearing a terminal lactam and their cytotoxicity against cancer cells. Bioorg. Med. Chem. Lett. 17, 3426-3430. 2007.

17. GR Huang, Sheng Jiang, YL Wu, Yan Jin, ZJ Yao, JR Wu. Induction of Cell Death of Gastric Cancer Cells by a Modified Compound of the Annonaceous Acetogenin Family. ChemBioChem 2003, 4, 12161221.

18. LD Guo*, GR Huang, Y Wang, WH He, WH Zheng, KD Hyde. Molecular identification of white morphotype strains of endophytic fungi from Pinustabulaeformis. Mycological research. 2003, 107(Pt 6): 680-8* corresponding author

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