钮 冰

创建时间:  2020/08/03     浏览次数:   


电 话: 021-66132399

E-mail: bingniu@shu.edu.cn


2000年本科毕业于上海大学, 2009年博士毕业于上海大学。2009年到上海大学生命科学学院工作。2014-2015在哈佛医学院访学,兼任Current bioinformatics, Biomed research international, International journal of clinical practice编委。


开发实时查询的外来入侵动物及产品风险分析数据库. 针对口岸一线查验人员现场查验决策无信息支撑的难题,课题利用互联网数据库技术,开发了外来入侵动物及产品风险分析数据库。数据库经过了海关系统8家单位试用,经试用,该数据库简单易用,可以为现场决策提供信息支撑,也可以为进境动物风险评估提供技术支持。






近五年代表性论文(通讯作者 *)

[1] Zhang, H., Niu, B*.et al., Risk assessment of heavy metals contamination in pork. Food Control, 2022, 135.(一区)

[2] Yang, Y., Niu, B.et al., Risk assessment and early warning of the presence of heavy metal pollution in strawberries. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 2022, 243. (一区)

[3] Zheng, L., Niu, B*.et al., Discovery of MAO-B Inhibitor with Machine Learning, Topomer CoMFA, Molecular Docking and Multi-Spectroscopy Approaches. Biomolecules, 2022, 12, (10). (二区)

[4] Niu, B., et al., Spatiotemporal characteristics analysis and potential distribution prediction of peste des petits ruminants (PPR) in China from 2007-2018. Transboundary and emerging diseases, 2022. (一区)

[5] Qin, X., Niu, B*.et al., Dehydrozaluzanin C, a novel type of anti-bacterial agent which targets transporting proteins, Opp and OpuC. Genes & Diseases, 2022, 9, (4), 830-832. (一区)

[6] Zhang, S., Niu, B*.et al., Epidemiologic and import risk analysis of Peste des petits ruminants between 2010 and 2018 in India. Bmc Veterinary Research, 2022, 18, (1), 419-419. (二区)

[7] Zhang, S., Niu, B*.et al., Assessing the export trade risk of bluetongue virus serotypes 4 and 8 in France. Risk Analysis, 2022. (二区)

[8] Zhang, H., Niu, B*.et al., Landscape of immune infiltration in entorhinal cortex of patients with Alzheimer & apos;s disease. Frontiers in Pharmacology, 2022, 13. (二区)

[9] Yang, Y., Niu, B*.et al., Risk Assessment of Veterinary Drug Residues in Pork on the Market in the People's Republic of China. Journal of food protection, 2022, 85, (5), 815-827.

[10] Yang, Q.-l., Niu, B.et al., Spatio-temporal and trade export risk analysis of bluetongue disease in France: A case study of China. Frontiers in veterinary science, 2022, 9. (二区)

[11] Fang, H., Niu, B*.et al., Loureirin B promotes insulin secretion through GLP-1R and AKT/PDX1 pathways. European Journal of Pharmacology, 2022, 936, 175377-175377.

[12] Wang, J., Niu, B*et al., Risk assessment and integrated surveillance of foot-and-mouth disease outbreaks in Russia based on Monte Carlo simulation. Bmc Veterinary Research, 2021, 17, (1). (二区)

[13] Niu, B., et al., Safety risk assessment and early warning of chemical contamination in vegetable oil. Food Control, 2021, 125. (一区)

[14] Liu, Z., Niu, B.et al., NLRP3 inflammasome of renal tubular epithelial cells induces kidney injury in acute hemolytic transfusion reactions. Clinical and Translational Medicine, 2021, 11, (3). (一区)

[15] Ding, Y., Niu, B*.et al., Loureirin B attenuates insulin resistance in HepG2 cells by regulating gluconeogenesis signaling pathway. European Journal of Pharmacology, 2021, 910.

[16] Zhou, X., Niu,B*. et al., Data-driven thermal comfort model via support vector machine algorithms: Insights from ASHRAE RP-884 database. Energy and Buildings, 2020, 211. (一区)

[17] Niu, B., et al., Epidemic analysis of COVID-19 in Italy based on spatiotemporal geographic information and Google Trends. Transboundary and emerging diseases, 2020. (一区)

[18] Liang, R., Niu, B*.et al., Prediction for global African swine fever outbreaks based on a combination of random forest algorithms and meteorological data. Transboundary and emerging diseases, 2020, 67, (2), 935-946. (一区)

[19] Xia, S., Niu, B*. et al., CD28: A New Drug Target for Immune Disease. Current drug targets, 2020, 21, (6), 589-598.

[20] Niu, B., et al., Prediction for Global Peste des Petits Ruminants Outbreaks Based on a Combination of Random Forest Algorithms and Meteorological Data. Frontiers in veterinary science, 2020, 7, 570829-570829. (二区)

[21] Xie, J., Niu, B*.et al., Progress in Target Drug Molecules for Alzheimer's Disease. Current Topics in Medicinal Chemistry, 2020, 20, (1), 4-36.

[22] Niu, B., et al., Glioma stages prediction based on machine learning algorithm combined with protein-protein interaction networks. Genomics, 2020, 112, (1), 837-847. (二区)

[23] Niu, B., et al., 2D-SAR, Topomer CoMFA and molecular docking studies on avian influenza neuraminidase inhibitors. Computational and structural biotechnology journal, 2019, 17, 39-48. (二区)

[24] Xia, S., Niu, B*.et al., CD28: A new drug target for immune disease. Current drug targets, 2019.

[25] Lu, Y., et al., Risk analysis of African swine fever in Poland based on spatio-temporal pattern and Latin hypercube sampling, 2014-2017. Bmc Veterinary Research, 2019, 15. (二区)

[26] Liang, R., Niu, B*.et al., Identifying Cancer Targets Based on Machine Learning Methods via Chou's 5-steps Rule and General Pseudo Components. Current Topics in Medicinal Chemistry, 2019, 19, (25), 2301-2317.

[27] Hu, Y., Niu, B*.et al., Identify Compounds' Target Against Alzheimer's Disease Based on In-Silico Approach. Current Alzheimer Research, 2019, 16, (3), 193-208.

[28] Chen, J., Niu, B*. et al., Retrospect and Risk Analysis of Foot-and-Mouth Disease in China Based on Integrated Surveillance and Spatial Analysis Tools. Frontiers in veterinary science, 2019, 6, 511-511. (二区)

[29] Wang, J., Niu, B*.et al., Vesicular stomatitis forecasting based on Google Trends. Plos One, 2018, 13, (1).

